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LEVEL 3 18:30 - 19:45

*LEVEL 4 19:45 - 21:00



LEVEL 1 18:45 - 19:30

(entry possible at any time, no free trial lesson)


PRACTICE: 19:30-21:00


LEVEL 218:30 - 19:45

LEVEL 3 19:45- 21:00

*Level 4 by arrangement only, minimum 5 years milongas dance experience

PRICES (from 03.07.23)


LEVEL 1 (45min): 20.- pp



- BASIC: 240.- pP. 8 times (must be used in the same course block and cannot be transferred to another person)

- ENTHUSIAST: 350.- pp. 

When visiting 2 levels at the same time in one block 16 times.

- MASTERS: 400.- pp. Unlimited enrollment in all appropriate level courses within the current block.

*The pass must be used in the same course block and is not transferable to another person




iindividual arrangement with us

MARINA: 079 849 44 40 or

PASCAL: 078 791 97 98 (inquiries are welcome via SMS or WhatsApp messages)

The current course block: 28.01.24 - 25.03.24

The new course block: 07.04.24 - 26.05.24





BEGINNERS COURSE: The aim of the introductory course is to get to know and master the basic elements as well as to develop awareness of a mainstay and one's own axis and to be mindful of one's partner and the music (rhythm). Recommendations for the next level are a visit to a milonga (dance evening) and about six months of dance experience.


LEVEL 2: The goal in this level is to gain confidence and routine with the expanded basic elements of tango that allow free improvisation on the dance floor. A good posture, elegance, a good sense of rhythm and the synchronization of movements in the couple. The focus is on deepening the basic elements through new combinations. Recommendations for the next level are 2-3 years of dance experience and regular attendance at milongas

LEVEL 3:This level covers the rich palette of tango elements such as sacadas, boleos, ganchos, barridas, alterations, enrosques, etc. that give the dance its unique character. You are constantly confronted with the basics such as posture, hugging and stepping technique and thus develop a solid basis.

LEVEL 4:The deepening of the basic elements is particularly interesting at this level, since here the perspectives from the various figure elements and technical elements are combined and thus a holistic understanding and, above all, a pleasant and beautiful feeling for dancing can develop. New figure elements such as volcadas and colgadas expand the spectrum of expressive possibilities of the dancing couples. Established routines are broken so that the ability to improvise is expanded and the goal of a dialogue in the couple is possible. 

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Reformierte Kirche Sihlfeld, Brahmsstrasse 106

Info und Anmeldung:, 0798494440 (Marina),

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